If you attempt to act and do for others or for the world without deepening your own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, you will not have anything to give others.
- Thomas Merton
I believe that a person is a culmination of their past experiences and I’d like to share a few of mine. I have been privileged to work in several different settings that I believe provides me with a unique ability to relate to my clients.
My years with a large professional services firm as a technology consultant have provided me great insight into the pressures of the corporate world. I’ve watched and participated in the wins and losses, triumphs and tragedies of this unbelievably competitive world.
Later, having served in global leadership with one of the largest Christian missions organizations in the world, I learned to connect with individuals from very diverse backgrounds and enjoy their unique perspectives and contributions. I know first-hand the pressures of the lives led by missionaries and pastors.
And as a small business owner and entrepreneur, I am also aware of the daily fight to keep things afloat. I know the fears and anxieties of risking everything on an idea and a dream, and the passion that fuels the “long hours of doing everything”. And I know that the pain of failure is better than living with the knowledge that you never tried.
I have lived in Franklin for over 10 years. My wife and I have two children. And the rest of my family? Well, we all have a few nuts in our trees.
Amanda Blackburn, Psy.D., LPC
Licensed Psychologist; Assistant Dean of Students, Assistant Professor – Richmont Graduate University
Philip seamlessly and naturally communicates his caring, understanding, and acceptance. He is able to clearly see the hope in a situation and someone’s potential, while allowing them to be “just where they are at” in life. If you are looking for someone to walk alongside you through a difficult life season, please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with Philip.