Spirituality and the Body, an article from Conversations Journal, highlights the link between the body and the spiritual life. The article costs $1.99, but is worth the price.
What an embarrassment, the body. With all the belching, oozing, pain, and decay, it’s no surprise St. Francis called it “Brother Ass.” And with its unceasing attraction to bacon, beer, and other bodies, it’s enough to make you wonder: What was God thinking?What a marvel, the body. By comparison the most powerful computer is a child’s stick-figure drawing. Consider the intricate designs of eye, ear, and brain; consider the body’s ability to cool and heal itself; what a gift, this mass of meat that can experience music, mosaics, and marathons. So precious is the body that Jesus took his to heaven, as will you and I. But still the question: What was God thinking?